Credit & Korean to English Translation :
Young Saeng had a chat with his fans at Yozm this evening.
It was really fun and enjoyable.
So I'd like to share what he said to fans.
Actually, I didn't expect it would take such a long time to translate.
It's too~~~~~ long. LOL Well, my English is not fluent so it may not make sence in some lines.
But I don't have time to review it. ^^
Despite of it, I hope you will understand what I want to deliver the meaning of what Young Saeng said to fans. The green colored text is my explanation. (the text in bracket is the explanation)
Hello~~ ^^
[ys]다 허영생으로 되있지?;;
Why all of them are seen Heo Young Saeng?;; (I don't know what he saw.)
레이니하트 뮤직비디오 잘봤어요??ㅋㅋ 전 조금은 아쉬운듯...ㅠㅠ
Have you enjoyed Rainy Heart M/V? keke. I feel lack of it. just a litte bit... T.T.
렛잇고 무대중에서 가장 아쉬웠던 점은.. 내 스스로가 완벽하지 못했던것!!
What I feel lack of Let It Go on stages is.....that I couldn't be perfect myself.!!
레이니하트 활동은... 제가 발라드를 무대에서 잘 못하는 관계상...ㅋㅋㅋ 안하기로~~~ 다음앨범이 더 빨리 나오는게 좋지 않나?? 아님 그냥 활동하고 내년에 나올까??ㅋㅋ
I will not promote Rainy Heart on stage cause I'm not good at singing ballad song on the stage. kekeke Isn't it better to release next album soon? or should I promote Rainy Heart and come back next year? keke
고딩팬 보면.. 귀여워요~~ㅋㅋ 교복입고 조그만한게...ㅋㅋㅋ 오빠오빠~~ 하고...ㅋㅋ
High school student fans are so cute. keke. Little girs who wear school uniforms. kekeke. They call me OPPA OPPA~. kekeke.
휴가라... 휴가를 편히 갔다올 시간이 있을까?
Holiday.... Can I have enough time to get a holiday?
다음 앨범도 댄스로 나올 예정입니다...^^
My next album will be a dance music too...^^
다음 앨범은 9월 예정입니다... 하지만 바뀔수도 있으니.. 그점 유의하시길!!ㅋㅋ
My next album will be out in September. But it can be changed. Please notice it. keke
연기 하고 싶은데.. 아직 정확한 계획 없습니다^^
I want to act... but I don't have a specific plan yet. ^^
다음 앨범은.. 정규앨범으로 나오면 참 좋겠지만.. 그럼 너무 늦어질거 같아서.. 미니로 나오는게 좋지 않을까 생각합니다!!
I'll be happy if my next album would be regular album. But I think it'll take so long time. So I think I'll come back with mini album.!!
내 나이기 몇인데... 귀여운 컨셉을...ㅠㅠ
Do you think cute concept suits my age? T.T.
활동 금방 끝내서 미안해요.. 그치만 요즘 다들 짧게 하는 추세라.. 이제는 나 기다리는 재미로 사세요~~^^ 복습하면서...!!
I'm very sorry for finishing my promotion so earlier. But it's a trendy these days. Please live for waiting for me from now on.~~~~ with reviewing what I've done.!!!
남팬 볼때.. 아무렇지 않아요~~~ 남자가 봐도 멋진 남자 허영생...이라..ㅋㅋ
When I see male fans.... Nothing difference from women fans. Cause I'm Heo Young Saeng who even men think I'm nice. keke
뮤직뱅크 사고 났을때.. 정말 당황스러웠습니다.. 그리고 웃기기도 했어요~~ 좋은 추억인거 같아요~~ㅋㅋ
When the incident happened at Music Bank..I was really embarrased. And it was funny. I think it's a good memory. keke
저는 팬들을 보면서.. "ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ" 생각합니다
When I see my fans...I think "kekekekekekeke"
시험을 앞두고 있는 모든 분들께...!!! "시험잘봐요~~^^ 못보면 죽여버립니다!!!^------^*
" All of you who are preparing exam!!! Good luck to you.^^ If you receive a bad result, I'll kill you!!! ^____^
가족신문... 오래전 이야기라.. 기억이.... 안나요~~ㅠㅠ
Family news..... It's a long long time ago. I can't remember it. T.T.
팬들이랑 내외하다니?? 관리 하는거지~ㅋㅋ
Keeping distance from fans??? It's controlling. keke
친한아이돌...!!! 누가 있을까.. 홍기랑 제일 친해요~~ 그리고 최근에 용준형이랑 친해졌어요~~ㅋㅋ 비스트.. 이쁜 동생들~ㅋㅋ
intimate Idol memeber!!!! Who is it... I'm really close to Hong Ki (From FT Island) and became familair with Yong Joon Hyung lately. keke Beast....pretty brothers. keke
다음에 락발라드... 그렇게 파워풀하지 않지만.. 기대해보세요~~ 아닐수도 있고~~ㅋㅋ
Rock ballad for xext time......It won't be such powerful....but please expect it. or maybe not. keke
말만 신비주의지.. 저 신비주의 아닌거 같습니다..ㅡㅡ 신비주의가 이런 채팅을 합니까?ㅋㅋ
I'm just saying mysticism.....I don't think I'm in mysticism. Have you ever seen any mystic have a chat like this? keke
저 노래 못합니다...ㅠㅠ 가창력 가창력 하지 말아요ㅠㅠ 부끄러워~
I don't sing well. T.T. Please don't say singing ability. T.T. I'm embarrassed.~
이모나.. 누나팬도 반갑죠~~ 당연히!!!!ㅋㅋ 근데.. 이모나 누나팬들은 엉덩이가 무거워서..ㅡㅡ^
Auntie fans and Noona fans are welcome~~~ Of course!!! But they are sluggish. ^^
해투... 최선을 다했습니다.. 물도 맞고!!
Happy Together...... I did my best......Got soaked!!!
" 탁키 사랑해요" >_
Takki, I love you. (One of Arab fans asked him to say that he loves Takki.)
쪼꼬볼 모임이 뭐야
What is Chocoball gathering?? (I don't know what it is)
전 비오는날.. 그냥 집에서 쉬고 싶습니다..ㅋㅋ
What I want to do in rainy just having a rest at home. keke
핫트랙스 씨디 21장 샀는데.. 1장산 친구는 붙었어요......
I bought 21 copies at Hottracks. but my friend who bought only 1 copy was picked for fan signing.....
이번 활동에서 제일 맘에 들었던 것은.. 검은색 제작의상과.. 인기가요 막방의상?ㅋㅋ
My favorite costume during Let It Go promotion is Black suit and the clothes for the last show at IngiGayo?
요즘 멤버들 자주 못봐요..ㅠㅠ
Nowadays, I can't see members often. T.T.
해투에서.. 이미지 많이 깼습니다..ㅠㅠ
At Happy Together....... I broke my image a lot. T.T.
이거 한시간 연장하면.. 오빠 힘들어요..ㅠㅠ
If this chatting is extended one more hour.....OPPA will be tired. T.T.(He called himself OPPA. LOL)
오빠가 생각하기엔 허영생이란..? 나 허영생이야~~
What I think of Heo Young Saeng? I am Heo Young Saeng.~~~~
고3 수험생 여러분~~ 많이 부담도 되고.. 힘들겠지만.. 조금만 이겨내고!! 항상 긍정적으로 생각하면서... 힘내길바래요~~ 수능 끝나고.. 다들 웃으면서 결과를 기다릴수 있게!! 화이팅 합시다!! 고3 화이팅~~~~
3rd grade students of High shcool~ I know you have a pressure and hard time. but let's get over it! Always think positive and cheer up~ Let's wait for the result with smiling after university enterance exam!! Fighting!!!!! 3rd grade Fighting!!!!
이번 앨범에서.. 아웃더클럽이라는 노래가 가장 애착이 갔어요~~
My favorite song in my album is Out the Club.
걸그룹이랑 친해지고 싶은 마음뿐..ㅋㅋ 걸그룹은.. 아무래도 카라와 레인보우 동생들이랑 친해요~~ㅋㅋ
I wish I could get close to Girl groups. keke. Well, I get along with Kara and Rainbow. keke
손 부상.. 100% 완치 되진 않았지만.. 90% 완친 됐다고 생각하시면 좋을 듯 합니다!!^^ 걱정해줘서 고마워요~~
Hand injury.... It's not recovered 100%. I think 90% has been recovered. Thank you for your concern.~
팬들이 제발 안했으면 하는말은.... "미안해~"
What I want fans not to say is......."I'm sorry"
공방에 팬들 많이 안오면.. 기분보다.. 힘이 빠져요~~ㅠㅠ
If many fans don't come to music show...... My strength is gone. T.T.
뮤비에 이마 뽀뽀는.. 감독님에게......질문을...ㅋㅋㅋ
About kissing her on the forehead in M/V ......... You should ask the director. kekeke
저의 정규1집은.. 요번 미니앨범 나오고 나서.. 생각하겠습니다~~^^
My regular 1st album...... I'll think about it after releasing my upcoming mini album.
키 작은여자.. 귀여워요~~
Woman who is small..... Cute~~~
귀신을 본적있나요...? 전 항상 봐요~~ㅋㅋ 무섭지???????
Have you ever seen gost..? I always see them. keke. Aren't you scared?????
초신성의 성제랑 친해요~~ㅋㅋ 현중이 말고 유일한 동갑내기 연예인친구?ㅋㅋㅋ
My close friend is Sung Je from ChoShinSung. keke. He is the one and only entertainer friend who is same age excluding Hyun Joong.
레이니 하트 나레이션 제가 했습니다.. 좀더 멋있게 했어야 하는데.. 아쉬워요..ㅠㅠ
I narrated Rainy Heart. I should've done much nicer. I feel lack of it. T.T.
팬분들은.. 그저 나를 향해 소리쳐주고 응원해줄때 제일 예뻐요~~^^
The moment that I feel my fans are the most beautiful is just supporting & cheering me up.~~ ^^
어렸을때 안챙겨먹던.. 건강식품을... 요즘은 챙겨먹습니다..ㅠㅠ
I take healty foold which I didn't take in childhood. T.T.
다음 앨범에는 더 살빼고.. 더 샤프한 모습으로 찾아뵐게요~~ㅋㅋ
I'll loose more weight for the next album and be back with slim figure.~ keke.
저는 귀엽고 청순한 스타일의 여자가 좋아요~~ 그리고 옷잘입는 여자!!
I like the girl who is cute and pure.~ And welldressed girl!
쇼케이스.. 저도 하고 싶은 마음이 굴뚝같습니다!!! 하지만.. 전 많이 안오면 안합니다...ㅋㅋ
Showcase....I strongly want to hold it!!!! But I won't hold it if there are not so many fans. keke
팬들에게 제일 듣고 싶은 말은...."와~~~~~~~"
What I want to hear from fans is...... "Wow~~~~~~"
쉬면서.. 쉬어요~~ㅋㅋ
I have a rest during having a rest. keke
다음 앨범의 장르는......아직.. 비밀..!!^^
Genre of my next album is........ secret! ^^
팬클럽 모집 하고 싶은데... 아까 말했듯이.. 많이 안오면 안해요~
I'd like to make my fan club. but as I said before, if there are not so many people who join it, I will not.~(Some fans asked him to make his own fan club then he replied them.)
중딩 팬들은.. 우리나라의 미래입니다!!ㅋㅋ
Middle school student fans are the future of our country.!! keke
요즘 읽고 있는 책이 없어요...ㅋㅋ
I don't read a book these days. keke
인도네시아... 여러분들이 애타게 찾을때 가겠습니다~~ㅋㅋ
Indonesia..... I'll go there when you pine for me. keke
독수리 타법아닙니다~~
I'm not a two fingered typist.~
요즘 따라추고 있는 걸그룹 춤이.. 없어요..ㅠㅠ;;
Girl group dance that I attempt nowadays.........Nothing. T.T.
키큰여자... 170만 안넘으면 좋아요~~
Woman who is tall......I'm OK if she is not taller than 170cm.
잘하는 게임... 위닝일레븐?ㅋㅋ
The game that I'm good at..... Winning Eleven? keke
다음앨범때 팬들에게 바라는점.. 공홍에 써놨어요~~
what I want from fans for my next album.....I left a message at my offical homepage.~~
야구 말고.. 농구도 좋아합니다~~ 최근에 농구단팀도 만들었어요~~ㅋㅋ 근데 아직 손목 부상으로.. 운동은 못하고 있어요..ㅠㅠ
Besides baseball... I like basket ball. I made a basketball team recently. keke. But I can't play now due to hand injury. T.T.
제 성대모사라...
My vocal mimicry....
173... 힐만 안신는다면야...ㅋㅋ
173cm. If you don't wear high hill. keke
저 타자... 300 나오나?;;
My typing speed may be..... 300 or something? ;;
우울할때.. 레이니하트를 들어요~~
When I feel gloomy, I listen to Rainy Heart.~
가장 자신있는 스포츠가... 농구요~~
The most confidence sports for me is.....a basketball.~~
저 술 잘 못먹습니다..ㅠㅠ
I'm a weal drinker. T.T.
교복입고 오는 팬들 귀여워요~~ㅋㅋ
Fans who come to see me with wearing school uniforms are cute. keke
손이 다 완치 되는대로.. 운동할거에요~`
I'll excersice as soon as my hand to make a full recovery.
즐겨듣는 노래는.. 이것저것 다 들어요~~ㅋㅋ
I listen to variety songs. keke
요즘 보는 드라마.. 최고의사랑! 이제 2회까지 봣어요~~ㅋㅋ
I'm watching The Best Love (MBC drama) these days. I finished episode 2. keke
불후의명곡2.. 방송은 재밌지만.. 저는 노래를 못하기 때문에.. 안나가는게 맞지 않나 생각합니다!!^^
Eternal music2. It's interesting program. But I don't sing well. So I thinkg I'd better not to attend it. ^^
나이 있는데.. 교복입으면....ㅡㅡ^^
I'm too old to wear school uniform. ^^
주량은..소주 1병? 양주 반병? 맥주2병? ㅋㅋㅋ
My drinking capacity is one bottle of Soju? Half bottle of hard liquor? Two bottle of beer? kekeke
저 복근 없습니다.. 기대하지 마세요~~ㅋㅋ
I don't have an abdominal muscles. Please don't expect it. keke.
더블에스 정규2집은.. 아직 정확한 계획이 없습니다...ㅠㅠ 다들 바빠서~~
We don't have a specific plan for SS501's 2nd regular album. T.T. All of us are busy.~
몸 만드는게.. 그리 쉬운게 아니란다..ㅋㅋ
Bulding up my boyd is not easy. keke
오늘은 개구리 반찬!!
Today's side dish is a frog! (It's a Korean Joke.)
강아지 키우고 싶은데.. 강아지털 때문에.. 못키워요~~ㅠㅠ;;;
I want to have a dog but I can't. because of dog's hair. T.T.
내가 제일 잘했다 싶은게 없습니다..ㅠㅠ
What I've done best is.................. Nothing. T.T.
페루 음식 먹어보고 싶네요~~ㅋㅋ
I'd like to taste Peru food. keke
내가 지금까지 살면서 가장크게 후회한것은.. 없습니다...!!
What I've regretted the most so far is........ Never regretted.!!!
뒤태미인.....ㅡㅡ 앞태는 그렇고...ㅡㅡ 풉!
Beauty from back view. -- How about front view. keke(one fan showed off that her back view was very beautiful. LOL)
제가 예능을 잘못해서..ㅠ.ㅠ;;; 말 재주가 없어요~~
I'm not good at variety show. I'm slow in speech.~
렛잇고 전파시키는건 좋은데.. 타이밍좀 맞추자!!^^ 이쁜아~
Spreading Let It Go is a good idea, but it must be well timed prettie~ ^^
팬들과 한잔해서.... 신비주의 다 깨라고~~?
Do you want me to drink with fans so that I break my mysticism ??
나의 매력은.......;; 미소?ㅋㅋ 목소리?ㅋㅋㅋ 미안..ㅠㅠ
My attraction is...... smile? keke voice? kekeke Sorry. T.T.
내가 가장 좋아하는 떠블에스 노래는....
All my love My favorite song of SS501 is All My Love.
신떡 먹긴 먹었는데... 맛이 없었어...ㅠㅠ
I ate Sinttok...But it was not my taste. T.T. (Sinttok is a local food in Daegu. One fan asked him whether he ate it during DaeGu Fan signing.)
여러분이 쓴글 하나하나 볼순 없어요..;; 제가 글은 안쓴다면 다 보겠죠?ㅋㅋ 쫌만 이해하기~~ 그리고.. 질문을 해야.. 답장을 해야.. 지극히 개인적인 질문 빼구요~~ 난감한거 빼구요~~
It's not able to read your messages one by one.;;; If I had not write, would I read them all? keke. Please understand me. And I'm trying to reply you excluding some questions which is extremely persoanl or make me embarrased.
가장 자신있는 신체부위.. 어깨~!
What I have confidence of my body...... Shoulder!
어머님 생신때.. 마음이 담겨있는 선물!!! 친구들끼리는.. 물질적인걸 좋아하지만.. 부모님은.. 자식의 마음을 가장 좋아해요~~^^
For your mom's birthday... You should prepare the gift that shows your heart!!! Your friend may like material things, but parents like their kids' heart the most.
지금 제일 듣고 싶은 말.... 수고했어요?ㅋㅋ
What I want to hear from you the most now is........ Well done? (When we, Korean say 수고했어요, it means many things such as Thank you, Well done and so on.)
7,8개월동안.. 앨범 작업해야 할거 같아요~~
I think I should prepare my next album for 7~8 months.
여자는 애교지!!!
Woman must act charming!
A+ 나온것을 나중에 보여주면.. 되지 않을까..?ㅠㅠ
Why don't you get A+ then show it to your mom?(One of fans worried about her exam result)
7년동안 활동하면서 제일 기억에 남는 무대는 첫무대!!
The most memorable stage for the past 7 years is our debut stage!!
나이는 숫자에 불과합니다~~
The age is just numeral.
주부님들은.. 가정이 있으니까.. 힘들죠..ㅠㅠ;; 학생들은 시험기간이라 힘들죠...ㅠㅠ;; 20대 여성들은 일하느라 힘들죠...ㅠㅠ;; 다 이해해요~~^^ 각자 자기 분야에서 최선을 다하는 여러분이 되세요~~ 저도 제 분야에서 최선을 다할테니~
I know housewifes have a hard time to take care their family.T.T. Students have a hard time to take exams at school. T.T. Women in twenties have a hard time to work. T.T. I understand all of you. Please do your best at your field. I'll do my best at my field too.~~
다음앨범에 작곡은 못할거 같아요..ㅠㅠ;;; 악상이 안떠올라~~
I'm afraid I can't compose for my next album.T.T. A melodic line doesn't come to my mind.~~
운전면허 있죠~
I've got a driver licence.
컴퓨터하면 주로 게임해요~~ㅋㅋ
I usually play games when I use my computer.
여동생이 생기면.. 동생 데리고 놀러가고 싶어~~
If I had a sister, I would go out with her to play.
팬페이지 가끔 들어가요~~~ㅋㅋ
I visit my fan sites from time to time.
내일 세상이 멸망한다면.. 지금처럼 요즘에서 채팅할듯..ㅋㅋ
If the Earth should see the end tomorrow...... I think I'll be chatting with you just like now
오빠는 건강식품 챙겨먹을때.. 늙었구나 싶구나..ㅡㅡ
I feel I got old when I take healthy food.
아랍팬분들 지금당장은 못가더라도~~ 꼭!! 갈테니까~~ 멀리서라도 많이 응원해주기!!!^^
Dear Arab Fans! I can't come to you right now. but I'll visit you someday. Please support me although you are far away!!!^^
그 남자랑 헤어지세요~~
You should break up with him. (one fan complained about her boy friend. But who she described was Young Saeng. hahaha)
시간되면 저 굿바이 합니다~~
I'll say good bye when time is up.
지금 가장하고싶은것은.. 자고 싶네요~~ㅋㅋ
What I want to do most now..... is sleeping. keke
전 아직도 해물 못먹어요~~ㅠㅠ
I still can not eat sea food. T.T.
여자친구 헤어스타일은 자신에게 가장 잘 어울리는 스타일을 했으면 좋겠네요~~
I wish my girl friend has a hairstyle which suits her.
이제 시간이 얼마 안남았네요~~ㅠㅠ
We dont have much time left.
여자를 딱 마주쳤을때!!! 어딜 가장 먼저 볼까요!!!! 눈을 보고~ 다리를 보는듯?ㅋㅋ
Which part you watch it first when you meet with a woman?? Maybe eyes first then legs? keke
"보민아 열심히 해
Bo Min ah~ Study hard.
컴터 킨김에 내 답장한번만 해주라 ㅠㅠ 소원이다소원!!ㅠㅠ
Since you turned on your computer, please reply me once! It's my wish!! T.T.
변서야, 수능잘쳐
Byun Seo ya~ Good luck to your university enterance exam.
자기 얼굴작은거 알고있어요 ??ㅋㅋㅋ
Do you know your face is small?? kekek
윤선아~!! 잘해!!
Yoon Sun ah~. Good Luck!
소현아 화이팅~~!!
So Hyun ah~. Fighting!
I love you prettie.
주희야 사랑해~~~~ 라고하고갈게요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I'll say "I love you Joo Hee" then I'll go kkekekeke
Yoon Jung ah~
EunJin! EunJin!
수고 많았구요~~~^^ 오랜만에 이렇게 채팅하게 되서 즐거웠어요~~^^
Thank you for joining me. It's been a long time to have a chat with you and I was pleased.~ ^^
금방 또 앨범 나올테니까.. 조금만 기다려줘요~~^^
My another album will be out soon. Please wait for it.
아까 말했듯이.. 각자 자기분야에서 최선을 다하는거 잊지 말고!!!
As I said before, Please don't forget to do your best at your part.
참고로.. 전 지금까지 저의 집에서.. 채팅을 하고 있었습니다^^ 나중에 사진 띄운데요~!!
For Your reference, I've been chatting with you at home. I was told my picture while chatting will be out later.

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